
收藏贴 双语 | 《习近平谈治国理政》第三卷重要概念汉英对照(1)

中国外文局 北极光翻译 2023-11-03








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英语标示    英语音标    英语演讲     新年贺词    中国制造    
译写规范    生活大爆炸    摩登家庭    中国关键词   
良医    艾玛    南方与北方    小妇人    傲骨贤妻    越狱    
德雷尔一家    小谢尔顿    傲慢与偏见    我的天才女友    
荆棘鸟    破产姐妹    权力的游戏    神探夏洛克    唐顿庄园    
老爸老妈的浪漫史    75个精彩英语演讲合集    纸牌屋  
English with lucy    BBC 视频    了不起的麦瑟尔夫人
我们这一天    绯闻女孩    哈利波特     老友记
视频合集    时政英语 双语美文108 篇

54个CGTN 视频

  1. 中美,你死我活,还是互为镜鉴?

  2. CGTN主播王冠:美国关闭中国领馆的真正原因

  3. 悦辩悦明|美国,你为何容不下领跑者

  4. 刘欣 评论 | 猛踩中国救不了美国

  5. 真相放大镜 | 关于香港国安立法,你需要了解的7个事实

  6. CGTN主播王冠揭秘美国抗疫失败的三大原因

  7. 武汉必胜,湖北必胜,全中国也必胜!

  8. 要求中国为疫情买单?无理取闹!

  9. 特朗普与其媒体盟友如何推动中国阴谋论?

  10. “御用”福克斯的新闻,你信吗?

  11. 十问美国 | 特朗普与其媒体盟友如何推动中国阴谋论?

  12. 《中国抗疫故事》让人热泪盈眶

  13. 朗普称世卫组织“被中国控制”,CGTN主播用事实犀利质问!

  14. 真相放大镜|让人捉摸不定的新冠病毒

  15. 悦辩悦明 用力过猛还是恃勇轻敌

  16. 真相放大镜世卫组织的防疫建议,谁听进去了?

  17. CGTN邹悦锐评:听武汉说

  18. CGTN刘欣锐评:不要让武汉的眼泪白流

  19. 中国“无症状感染者”多吗?| CGTN英文专访钟南山

  20. 真相放大镜:当特朗普撒起谎,真是“要命”!

  21. 对中国的污名化不能成为美国“抗疫”不利的遮羞布

  22. 西方对中国和意大利“封城”持双重标准?

  23. 面对新冠肺炎,西方媒体的“双重标准病”好了吗?

  24. 不断增长的新冠肺炎病例不会让美国变得更强大

  25. 中非友谊之船定能行稳致远

  26. 驳斥美国主播“中国道歉论”

  27. 全球防疫面临三大挑战

  28. 武汉战疫纪

  29. 大国挑战,负重前行 | 病毒来袭,神州应战

  30. 病毒无国界,偏见更伤人

  31. 蓬佩奥先生——那个 “丢了斧头”的人

  32. 邹韵 勇夺央视主持人大赛新闻类冠军!

  33. 揭秘西方“恐怖”偏见

  34. 《与世界同行》一:走出国门看世界

  35. 《与世界同行》二:从世界工厂到世界市场

  36. 《与世界同行》三: 开放的大门越开越大

  37. 《与世界同行》四:文明的对话与互鉴

  38. 《与世界同行》五:人类命运共同体

  39. 中美贸易摩擦如何塑造了2019全球经济?

  40. 西方媒体为何对新疆暴恐事件视若无睹?

  41. 刘欣最新锐评来了!

  42. 刘欣香港街采英国大叔全程互动无剪辑版

  43. 西方媒体是否站队香港激进示威者?

  44. 神仙打架!CGTN的宝藏小姐姐!

  45. 刘欣锐评 NBA莫雷事件

  46. 刘欣接受CNBC采访 发出中国声音

  47. 我们不保护香港,谁保护香港?

  48. CGTN主播刘欣约辩FOX主播

  49. 莫因推诿指责,贻误全球抗疫

  50. 至暗时刻,至善人心

  51. 香港高等法院“要有自知之明

  52. 刘欣 登上美国电台

  53. 刘欣怒怼FOX主播,欣然约辩

  54. 刘欣“怒怼”外国记者




socialism with Chinese characteristics (简称:Chinese socialism)


译文:We should fully understand the new requirements ofsocialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and constantly strengthen all undertakings of the Party and the state. This new era will have an important historic bearing on China’s future. Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, based on the great achievements made after the founding of the PRC in 1949, and especially after the launch of the reform and opening-up policy in 1978, China has reached a new historic starting point, and Chinese socialism has entered a new stage. (from the speech at the First Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, October 25, 2017)


Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era


译文:We must ensure that the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and its basic principles are fully implemented, so as to raise the level of understanding of Marxism within the whole Party. The thought and its basic principles have come neither from thin air nor subjective assumptions. They are the results of the rigorous theoretical quest of the Party and the Chinese people since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, based on our Party’s innovation in theory and practice since the founding of the PRC in 1949 and particularly since the launch of reform and opening up in 1978. They therefore represent a crystallization of the creative wisdom of our Party and the people. (from the speech at the First Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, October 25, 2017)


Two Centenary Goals


译文:The Two Centenary Goals were put forth by the CPC at its 18th National Congress in November 2012 for building socialism with Chinese characteristics. The two goals are to complete a moderately prosperous society in all respects by the centenary of the CPC (founded in 1921) and to build China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, and harmonious by the centenary of the PRC (founded in 1949). The CPC drew up a development plan for the new era at its 19th National Congress. In the first stage from 2020 to 2035, we will build on the foundation of the moderately prosperous society with a further 15 years of hard work to see that socialist modernization is basically realized. In the second stage from 2035 to the middle of the 21st century, having achieved basic modernization, we will work hard for a further 15 years and develop China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful.


译文:Following decades of hard work, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. In this new context, we must take on a new image, and more importantly, achieve greater success. The coming five years between the 19th and the 20th CPC national congresses are a period in which the timeframes of the Two Centenary Goals will converge. We must deliver the First Centenary Goal; we must also embark on the journey towards the Second Centenary Goal. (from the speech at the press conference by members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, October 25, 2017)


Marxism in contemporary China and the 21st century


译文:The lifeline of a theory lies in innovation, and it is a sacred duty of Chinese Communists to develop Marxism. We need to use Marxism to observe and decipher the world today and lead us through it, and develop it in dynamic and abundant practice in contemporary China. We should learn from all the achievements of human civilization with an extensive view. To outdo ourselves we need to protect our foundations while innovating, and learn widely from the strengths of others to improve ourselves. Finally, we need to have a deeper understanding of governance by a communist party, the development of socialism, and the evolution of human society, and open up new prospects for the development of Marxism in contemporary China and the 21st century. (from the speech at the ceremony commemorating the bicentenary of the birth of Karl Marx, May 4, 2018)


Marxist stance, viewpoint and methodology


译文:We must grasp and apply new theories of the Party, master the Marxist stance, viewpoint and methodology,and thereby prepare our minds for courageous and successful struggle. Only when we are cognizant of the theories, can we be politically firm and have the courage and strength to fight. (from main points of the speech at the opening ceremony of a training program for younger officials at the Central Party School (National Academy of Governance) during its 2019 fall semester, September 3, 2019)


the Party’s underlying theories, basic guidelines, and fundamental principles


译文:On our journey forward, we must uphold the CPC’s leadership, ensure that the people are the masters of the country, stay on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and fully implement the Party’s underlying theories, basic guidelines, and fundamental principles. We must strive to constantly meet the people’s desire for a better life and reach new and historic heights. (from the speech at the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC, October 1, 2019)


1. 历史是人民书写的,一切成就归功于人民。

The people are the creators of history. It is to them that we owe all our achievements.


译文:The people are the creators of history. It is to them that we owe all our achievements. As long as we keep close ties with the people and rely on them, we can and will have boundless strength to forge ahead whatever the circumstances.

2. 时代是出卷人,我们是答卷人,人民是阅卷人。

We are like examinees sitting the tests posed by this era, and the people will review our results.


译文:The successes of yesterday do not guarantee future successes, and the glories of the past do not guarantee glories in the future. We are like examinees sitting the tests posed by this era, and the people will review our results.

3. 只有回看走过的路、比较别人的路、远眺前行的路,弄清楚我们从哪儿来、往哪儿去,很多问题才能看得深、把得准。

We can grasp the essence of many problems only by looking back over the path we have taken, comparing it with other paths, looking to the road ahead, and by understanding where we came from and where we are going.


译文:Both history and reality have shown to us that any social revolution requires a long process to achieve the final victory. We can grasp the essence of many problems only by looking back over the path we have taken, comparing it with other paths, looking to the road ahead, and by understanding where we came from and where we are going.



great struggle, great project, great cause and great dream


译文:Today’s world is in the midst of great changes that have not been seen in a century. The great struggle, the great project, the great cause, and the great dream are flourishing under the Party's leadership. The tasks of advancing reform, promoting development, and maintaining stability are arduous. We are facing a historic opportunity and also a series of major risks and tests. To achieve the goals and targets set by the Party, we must enhance our capability and meet challenges head-on. (from main points of the speech at the opening ceremony of a training program for younger officials at the Central Party School (National Academy of Governance) during its 2019 fall semester, September 3, 2019)


译文:Governing a large country with more than 1.3 billion people, the Party must improve its leadership systems and mechanisms, give full play to the great strength of leadership by the Party, and shoulder the major responsibilities of carrying out our great struggle, developing our great project, advancing our great cause, and realizing our great dream. Only in this way can we ensure national reunification, uniform laws and policies and consistent market management, achieve economic development, clean political administration, cultural prosperity, social justice and healthy ecosystems, and smoothly advance the causes of Chinese socialism in the new era. (from the “Note to the Draft Decision and Draft Program on Further Reform of Party and State Institutions” delivered at the Third Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, February 26, 2018)


great historic struggle with many new features


译文:In the face of a confusing and changing international landscape, a complex and sensitive neighboring environment, and the formidable tasks of reform, development and maintaining stability at home, we must take the precaution of guarding against risks, while adopting effective measures to address and resolve them when they arise. We must be fully prepared and make proactive strategic moves to convert danger into safety and adversity into opportunity. We will continue the great historic struggle with many new features, prepare to overcome all difficulties and obstacles, and march forward towards the great goals set by our Party. (from main points of the speech at the opening ceremony of a study session on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the guiding principles of the 19th CPC National Congress, January 5, 2018. Members and alternate members of the newly elected CPC Central Committee and principal officials at the provincial and ministerial level attended the session.)


great new project of strengthening the Party


译文:This great struggle, great project, great cause, and great dream are closely connected, flow seamlessly into each other, and are mutually reinforcing. Among them, the great new project of strengthening the Party plays the decisive role. (from the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, October 18, 2017)


great cause of Chinese socialism


译文:On this new journey, all our Party members must keep abreast with the new requirements of the new era, improve our capacity for strategic, innovative and dialectical thinking, bear in mind the rule of law and our principles, take a holistic, forward-looking and innovative approach to work, and better understand the changing domestic and international situation. We must put into practice the Party's theories, guidelines, principles and policies – especially the guidelines, development strategies and policy measures established at the 19th CPC National Congress, promote the great cause of Chinese socialism and the great project of strengthening the Party, and unite all the Chinese people and lead them to strive for a moderately prosperous society and a modern socialist country in all respects. (from the speech at the First Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, October 25, 2017)


Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation


译文:China’s past made its mark on human history; China’s present is being created by the hands of hundreds of millions of Chinese people; China’s future will be even brighter. All members of the Party, the armed forces and the people of all ethnic groups should unite closer, stay true to our original aspiration and founding mission, and continue to consolidate and develop our People’s Republic. We should continue to enhance our efforts to achieve the Two Centenary Goals and to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. (from the speech at the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the PRC, October 1, 2019)


important period of strategic opportunity


译文:Both China and the world are in the midst of profound and complex changes. China is still in an important period of strategic opportunity for development; the prospects are bright but the challenges are severe. (from the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, October 18, 2017)


1. 生活之树长青。

Forever green is the tree of life.


译文:As the saying goes, “Forever green is the tree of life.” A theory can only find its inspiration in the richness and vibrancy of real life and in the practical need to resolve social problems.

2. 不要人夸颜色好,只留清气满乾坤。

Not bent on praise for its bright colors, but on leaving its fragrance to all.


译文:We do not need lavish praise from others. But we do welcome objective reporting and constructive suggestions, for this is our motto, “Not bent on praise for its bright colors, but on leaving its fragrance to all.



the CPC’s (Party’s) philosophy on strengthening the military for the new era

例句:全军要坚持以新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,深入贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中全会精神,深入贯彻新时代党的强军思想,深入贯彻新时代军事战略方针,在新的起点上做好军事斗争准备工作,开创强军事业新局面。(摘自习近平在中央军委军事工作会议上的讲话要点,2019年1月4日)译文:The military must follow the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and implement the guiding principles of the 19th CPC National Congress in 2017 and the second and third plenary sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee in 2018. The military must act on the Party’s philosophy on strengthening the military for the new era, implement a strategy for new conditions, and get ready to meet any new challenge at this new starting point. (from main points of the speech at a meeting of the Central Military Commission on military work, January 4, 2019) 


the Party’s goal of building a strong military in the new era

译文:The Party’s goal of building a strong military in the new era is to build the people’s forces into world-class forces that obey the Party’s command, can fight and win, and maintain excellent conduct. (from the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, October 18, 2017)


the Party’s absolute leadership over the military / absolute Party leadership over the military

译文:After the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, the CPC Central Committee and the Central Military Commission (CMC) set about strengthening the military and its political governance. In particular, the Gutian Conference on Military Political Work was held in 2014 to emphasize the need to promote our Party’s full and rigorous self-governance and govern the military with strict discipline in every respect. As was decided at the meeting, we must: uphold absolute Party leadership over the military; enhance political education to improve Party conduct in the military; preserve the unity of the military through theoretical education; strengthen Party organizations in the military; set up qualification requirements for military officers; improve Party conduct and enforce Party discipline; fight corruption and punish vice; lead the military in maintaining our original aspiration, abandoning outdated practices, and creating new institutions; and ensure Party self-governance with stricter, harsher, and more punitive discipline. (from main points of the speech at a meeting of the Central Military Commission on strengthening the Party, August 17, 2018)


institutional framework for Party leadership in the military

译文:We must improve the institutional framework for Party leadership in the military to make Party affairs and other political work in the military more procedure-based. (from main points of the speech at a meeting of the Central Military Commission on strengthening the Party, August 17, 2018)


(to strengthen) the Party’s leadership and organizations in the military in the new era


译文:Strengthening the Party’s leadership and organizations in the military in the new era is a prerequisite for implementing the great new project of strengthening the Party, and for building a strong country with a strong military. (from main points of the speech at a meeting of the Central Military Commission on strengthening the Party, August 17, 2018)


leaders’ responsibility system under the unified, collective leadership of Party committees


译文:We must implement the leaders’ responsibility system under the unified, collective leadership of Party committees,ensuring that all work is done under the leadership of Party committees and all major issues are decided by the Party committees after discussion. (from main points of the speech at a meeting of the Central Military Commission on strengthening the Party, August 17, 2018)


(a new structure with) the CMC exercising overall leadership, the theater commands responsible for military operations, and the services focusing on developing their capabilities

例句:要适应改革后的新体制新职能,坚持军委管总、战区主战、军种主建总原则,找准各级各类党组织职能定位,优化组织设置,健全制度机制,改进领导方式,把组织功能充分发挥出来。(摘自习近平在中央军委党的建设会议上的讲话要点,2018年8月17日)译文:The military must be adapted to its reformed institutions and functions, under a new structure with the CMC exercising overall leadership, the theater commands responsible for military operations, and the services focusing on developing their capabilities. Military Party organizations at all levels must identify their functions, improve their structure, institutions and mechanisms, and their way of exercising leadership, so as to fully perform their organizational functions. (from main points of the speech at a meeting of the Central Military Commission on strengthening the Party, August 17, 2018)


modernization of our national defense and armed forces

例句:同国家现代化进程相一致,全面推进军事理论现代化、军队组织形态现代化、军事人员现代化、武器装备现代化,力争到二〇三五年基本实现国防和军队现代化,到本世纪中叶把人民军队全面建成世界一流军队。(摘自习近平在中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会上的报告,2017年10月18日)译文:In step with our country’s modernization process, we will modernize our military across the board in terms of theory, organizational structure, service personnel, and weaponry. We will make it our mission to see that by 2035, the modernization of our national defense and armed forces is basically completed; and that by the mid-21st century our people’s armed forces have been fully transformed into world-class forces. (from the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, October 18, 2017)


reform of national defense and the military

例句:中国特色社会主义进入了新时代,国防和军队建设也进入了新时代,解决军事政策制度深层次矛盾和问题,全面释放深化国防和军队改革效能,开创强军事业新局面,掌握军事竞争和战争主动权,迫切需要适应形势任务发展要求,对军事政策制度进行系统、深入改革。(摘自习近平在中央军委政策制度改革工作会议上的讲话要点,2018年11月13日)译文:Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, as has China’s endeavor to upgrade its national defense and military capabilities. So we need to conduct urgent, systematic and in-depth reform of the military policy framework to adapt to the changing conditions. We should resolve deep-seated problems in the military policy framework, enhance the performance of in-depth reform of national defense and the military, usher in a new stage in strengthening the armed forces, improve military competitiveness, and maintain a position of strength when it comes to fighting war. (from main points of the speech at a meeting of the Central Military Commission on reform of the military policy framework, November 13, 2018)


1. 强军之道,要在得人。

Success in building a powerful military lies in capable military personnel.


译文:Success in building a powerful military lies in capable military personnel. We need to attach greater importance to the training of officers and professionals, with a focus on training competent officers who are loyal to our Party and our people, have moral integrity, and demonstrate a keen sense of responsibility, and on using outstanding professionals who are resolved to strengthen the military and win wars.

2. 我们的军队是人民军队,我们的国防是全民国防。

Our military is the people’s military, and our national defense is the responsibility of every one of us.


译文:Our military is the people’s military, and our national defense is the responsibility of every one of us. We must raise public awareness about the importance of national defense and strengthen unity between the government and the military and between the people and the military. Let us work together to create a mighty force for realizing the Chinese Dream and the dream of building a powerful military.



Chinese path of building strong armed forces / path of building a powerful military with Chinese characteristics

例句:加强练兵备战,有效遂行海上维权、反恐维稳、抢险救灾、国际维和、亚丁湾护航、人道主义救援等重大任务,武器装备加快发展,军事斗争准备取得重大进展。人民军队在中国特色强军之路上迈出坚定步伐。(摘自习近平在中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会上的报告,2017年10月18日)译文:We have strengthened military training and war preparedness, and undertaken major missions related to the protection of maritime rights, countering terrorism, maintaining stability, disaster rescue and relief, international peacekeeping, escort services in the Gulf of Aden, and humanitarian assistance. We have stepped up weapons and equipment development, and made major progress in enhancing military preparedness. The people’s armed forces have taken solid strides on the path of building a powerful military with Chinese characteristics. (from the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, October 18, 2017)


socialist military policy framework with Chinese characteristics

例句:军事政策制度改革的指导思想是,以新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神为指导,深入贯彻新时代党的强军思想,以确保党对军队绝对领导为指向,以战斗力为唯一的根本的标准,以调动军事人员积极性、主动性、创造性为着力点,系统谋划、前瞻设计,创新发展、整体重塑,建立健全中国特色社会主义军事政策制度体系,为实现党在新时代的强军目标、把人民军队全面建成世界一流军队提供有力政策制度保障。(摘自习近平在中央军委政策制度改革工作会议上的讲话要点,2018年11月13日)译文:To carry out the reform, we must follow the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the guiding principles of the 19th CPC National Congress, and observe the Party’s philosophy on strengthening the military for the new era, so as to ensure the Party’s absolute leadership over the military. The sole and fundamental criterion for judging the success of the reform is combat capability of the military, so we should keep our service personnel fully motivated. Through systematic planning, proactive design, innovative development, and overall reform, we can build a socialist military policy framework with Chinese characteristics. This framework will provide a strong guarantee for realizing the Party’s goal of building a strong military in the new era and making the Chinese military world-class armed forces. (from main points of the speech at a meeting of the Central Military Commission on reform of the military policy framework, November 13, 2018)


policy systems for using (deploying) our military forces

译文:We need to update the policy systems for using our military forces,so as to implement our national security strategies. The military must focus on how to fight and win when it is called on. To this end, we should reform the system for strategic military guidance, develop a system of laws and regulations for joint operations, and improve the system of combat readiness. Our policy systems for deploying our military forces must be based on joint operations and ensure both combat readiness in peacetime and prompt response in wartime, and this will enable our military to complete its mission for the new era. (from main points of the speech at a meeting of the Central Military Commission on reform of the military policy framework, November 13, 2018)


policy systems for strengthening the military

译文:We need to restructure the policy systems for strengthening the military. We should design a better institutional framework for the military human resources systems. This includes establishing a career-officer system, improving the system for ensuring the wellbeing of and social security for military personnel, and improving the military honor system. We should reform in a coordinated way our policy systems concerning military training, equipment development, logistics, research, national defense mobilization, and civil-military integration. (from main points of the speech at a meeting of the Central Military Commission on reform of the military policy framework, November 13, 2018)


policy systems for military management


译文:We need to advance reform of the policy systems for military management and create new strategic management systems. We should refine the defense expenditure system and ensure coordinated allocation of military resources. We should adopt military laws and regulations in an integrated way and enhance their codification. Our policy systems for military management must be precise, effective, comprehensive, procedure-based and mandatory, so as to improve the operations of our military and promote quality development of our armed forces. (from main points of the speech at a meeting of the Central Military Commission on reform of the military policy framework, November 13, 2018)


new system for training military personnel, which consists of military school education, field training, and professional military education


译文:We need to build a new system for training military personnel, which consists of military school education, field training, and professional military education,with a focus on training commanders for joint operations, new types of combat personnel, high-caliber personnel for technological innovation, and high-level strategic management. (from main points of the speech at a meeting of the Central Military Commission on strengthening the Party, August 17, 2018)


joint operations command system

例句:要加快推进联合作战指挥体系建设,提升联合作战指挥能力。要加强新型作战力量建设,增加新质战斗力比重。要大抓实战化军事训练,提高练兵备战质量和水平。(摘自习近平在中央军委军事工作会议上的讲话要点,2019年1月4日)译文:We should build a joint operations command system to improve our capacity in this regard. We should develop new combat forces and create new combat capabilities. We should enhance military training under combat conditions to enhance war preparedness. (from main points of the speech at a meeting of the Central Military Commission on military work, January 4, 2019)


a national defense policy that is in nature defensive

例句:中国决不会以牺牲别国利益为代价来发展自己,也决不放弃自己的正当权益。中国奉行防御性的国防政策,中国发展不对任何国家构成威胁。中国无论发展到什么程度都永远不称霸。(摘自习近平在庆祝改革开放40周年大会上的讲话,2018年12月18日)译文:China will never pursue development at the expense of others’ interests, nor will China ever give up its own legitimate rights and interests. China pursues a national defense policy that is in nature defensive. China does not pose a threat to any other country. No matter what stage of development it reaches, China will never seek hegemony. (from the speech at the conference celebrating the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, December 18, 2018)


civil-military integration

例句:坚持富国和强军相统一,强化统一领导、顶层设计、改革创新和重大项目落实,深化国防科技工业改革,形成军民融合深度发展格局,构建一体化的国家战略体系和能力。(摘自习近平在中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会上的报告,2017年10月18日)译文:We should ensure that efforts to make our country prosperous and efforts to make our military strong go hand in hand. We will strengthen unified leadership, top-level design, reform, and innovation. We will speed up implementation of major projects, deepen reform of defense-related science, technology, and industry, achieve greater civil-military integration, and build integrated national strategies and strategic capabilities. (from the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, October 18, 2017)


1. 严字当头、全面从严、一严到底

with the strictest discipline in all respects and at all times


译文:We must never falter in our efforts to improve Party conduct and combat corruption in the military, with the strictest discipline in all respects and at all times.

2. 培养有灵魂、有本事、有血性、有品德的新时代革命军人,永葆人民军队性质、宗旨、本色

We will train the revolutionary officers and soldiers of a new era with faith, ability, courage, and integrity, and see that our forces forever preserve their nature, purpose, and character as the forces of the people.


译文:We will strengthen the Party in the military. We will launch activities under the theme of “passing on the traditions of revolution; stepping up to the task of making the military strong”. We will move forward with the development of the military honors system. We will train the revolutionary officers and soldiers of a new era with faith, ability, courage, and integrity, and see that our forces forever preserve their nature, purpose, and character as the forces of the people.

3. 要坚持用新时代中国特色社会主义思想和新时代党的强军思想武装官兵,铸牢部队对党绝对忠诚的思想根基。

We must continue to educate our officers and soldiers with the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and our Party’s philosophy on strengthening the military for the new era, as a foundation for maintaining the military’s absolute loyalty to our Party.

4. 人才资源是强军兴军的宝贵战略资源。

Human resources are a source of strategic wealth for strengthening and developing the armed forces.



the defining feature of Chinese socialism

例句:中国特色社会主义最本质的特征是中国共产党领导,中国特色社会主义制度的最大优势是中国共产党领导,党是最高政治领导力量。(摘自习近平在主持中共十九届中央政治局第六次集体学习时的讲话,2018年6月29日)译文:The leadership of the CPC is the defining feature of Chinese socialism and the greatest strength of this system. Our Party is the highest force for political leadership. (from the speech at the sixth group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, June 29, 2018)


overall Party leadership

译文:We need to establish sound organizational frameworks, systems, and mechanisms for strengthening overall Party leadership in all realms and respects, including reform, development, social stability, domestic affairs, foreign relations, national defense, and governance of the Party, the state, and the military. (from the speech at the sixth group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, June 29, 2018)


the CPC Central Committee’s authority and centralized, unified leadership

译文:The primary requirement in adhering to Party leadership is to uphold the CPC Central Committee’s authority and centralized, unified leadership. This is the paramount principle in maintaining Party leadership, and we must never equivocate or waver at any time and in any situation. (from the speech at the CPC’s National Conference on Organizational Work, July 3, 2018)


to reinforce the Party’s political foundations

译文:The report to the 19th CPC National Congress incorporates a focus on reinforcing the Party’s political foundations into the general requirements for strengthening our Party for the new era, and makes it our primary task in promoting political progress to ensure that the whole Party defers to the Central Committee and upholds its authority and centralized, unified leadership. (from the speech at a meeting of criticism and self-criticism among members of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, December 25-26, 2017)


Four Consciousnesses


译文:The Four Consciousnesses refer to maintaining political commitment, thinking in terms of the general picture, following the core leadership of the CPC Central Committee, and acting in accordance with its requirements.


译文:When we assess the caliber and capabilities of Party members and officials, especially those in high positions, we will judge in the first place whether they are politically resolute and reliable. A purposeful and trustworthy official must have the Four Consciousnesses, keep in line with the Central Committee in thinking, action and political orientation, uphold the authority of the Central Committee and its centralized, unified leadership, resolutely implement the Central Committee’s decisions and plans in all their work, and not engage in political maneuverings. (from the speech at the First Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, October 25, 2017)


译文:Foreign policy epitomizes the will of a state. The power to make foreign policy is vested in the CPC Central Committee. It is important to maintain our political commitment, think in terms of the general picture, follow the core leadership of the CPC Central Committee, and act in accordance with its requirements. It is imperative to uphold the authority of the CPC Central Committee and its centralized and unified leadership, and closely follow the leadership in terms of thinking, political commitment and actions. All directives and orders of the CPC Central Committee must be executed without fail. (from the speech at the Central Conference on Foreign Affairs, June 22, 2018)


Four-sphere Confidence


译文:The Four-sphere Confidence refers to confidence in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics.


译文:To further strengthen Party self-governance now and in the future, we must implement the guiding principles of the 19th CPC National Congress held in 2017, and follow the guidance of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. While enhancing our Four Consciousnesses and bolstering our Four-sphere Confidence, we must uphold and strengthen overall Party leadership, uphold the authority of the Central Committee and its centralized, unified leadership, and see the Party’s political foundations reinforced, its ideological commitment buttressed, its organizations consolidated, its conduct improved, and its discipline enforced, with institutional improvements incorporated into every aspect of strengthening the Party. We must step up our efforts to combat corruption, carry on with our work to improve the Party’s political environment, and strengthen its ability to innovate, its power to unite, and its capacity to deliver. These are firm guarantees for a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and for building a modern socialist China. (from the speech at the Second Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, January 11, 2018)


译文:All Party members, especially leading officials, must take a clear political stance on this issue, and maintain confidence in the Chinese socialist path, theory, system and culture at all times and in all circumstances. We must be as tenacious as bamboo, as described by Zheng Xie: “In the face of all blows, not bending low, it still stands fast. Whether from east, west, south or north the wind doth blast.” (from the speech at the second full assembly of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, October 31, 2019)


1. 党政军民学,东西南北中,党是领导一切的。

The Party exercises overall leadership over all endeavors across the country.

2. 坚持党的领导是方向性问题,必须旗帜鲜明、立场坚定,决不能羞羞答答、语焉不详,决不能遮遮掩掩、搞自我麻痹。

It is a primary requirement to uphold CPC leadership. We must be clear and steadfast in this stance, rather than being hesitant, vague, evasive, or diffident.

3. 党中央是大脑和中枢,党中央必须有定于一尊、一锤定音的权威,这样才能“如身使臂,如臂使指,叱咤变化,无有留难,则天下之势一矣”。

The Central Committee, like the brain and main part of a body, must be the sole authority that makes the final decisions, so that it can control the subordinate parts just as “the body employs the arms and the arms employ the fingers without any difficulty, then the country runs as a whole”.



Two Upholds

释义:“两个维护”,指维护习近平总书记党中央的核心、全党的核心地位,维护党中央权威和集中统一领导。译文:The Two Upholds refer to upholding General Secretary Xi Jinping’s core position on the CPC Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and upholding the Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership.例句:中央和国家机关是践行“两个维护”的第一方阵。如果党的理论和路线方针政策在这里失之毫厘,到了基层就可能谬以千里;如果贯彻落实的第一棒就掉了链子,“两个维护”在“最先一公里”就可能落空。(摘自习近平在中央和国家机关党的建设工作会议上的讲话,2019年7月9日)译文:Central Party and government departments are at the forefront of ensuring the Two Upholds. The slightest deviation from the theories, guidelines, principles and policies of our Party will lead to huge mistakes at the grassroots level. If the first baton of implementation is dropped, the race will be lost from the very beginning. (from the speech at the National Conference on Strengthening the Party in Central Party and Government Departments, July 9, 2019)


Four Principles of Deference

译文:The Four Principles of Deference mean that individual Party members defer to Party organizations, the minority defers to the majority, lower-level Party organizations defer to higher-level Party organizations, and all organizations and members of the Party defer to the National Congress and the Central Committee of the Party.例句:党章规定“四个服从”,最根本的是全党各个组织和全体党员服从党的全国代表大会和中央委员会;党中央强调“四个意识”,最根本的是坚决维护党中央权威和集中统一领导。(摘自习近平在中共十九届中央纪委二次全会上的讲话,2018年1月11日)
译文:In the Four Principles of Deference provided in the Party Constitution, what is most essential is that all organizations and members of the Party defer to the National Congress and the Central Committee. Among the Four Consciousnesses underlined by the Central Committee, upholding the authority of the Central Committee and its centralized, unified leadership is pivotal. (from the speech at the Second Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, January 11, 2018)


· to closely follow the Central Committee in terms of thinking, political orientation, and actions 

· to keep in line with the Central Committee in thinking, action and political orientation

译文:All Party members must continue to strengthen their commitment to the Four Consciousnesses, the Four-sphere Confidence, and the Two Upholds. It is essential to closely follow the Central Committee in terms of thinking, political orientation, and actions, conscientiously safeguard Party solidarity and unity, strictly abide by the Party’s political discipline and rules, and always maintain close ties with the people. (from the speech at the opening ceremony of a study session on worst-case scenario thinking to prevent and resolve major risks, which was attended by principal officials at the provincial and ministerial level, January 21, 2019)


· Marxist governing party

· Marxist ruling party

译文:Staying true to the original aspiration and founding mission is not easy. It requires us to have a strong sense of self-reform. We must fulfill this mission on the new journey and reform the Party further in the new era to build it into a vibrant Marxist governing party that is always at the forefront of the times, enjoys the wholehearted support of the people, has the courage to reform itself, and is able to withstand all tests. (from the speech at the 15th group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, June 24, 2019)


learning-oriented Marxist party


译文:We should quicken our pace in making our Party more of a learning-oriented Marxist party, and nurturing a love of learning in our people, with studying and putting into practice the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the top priority. In this process, we should combine theory with reality, comprehend the fundamentals, seek truth, and understand the reasons and logic behind things. Strengthening their commitment to the Four Consciousnesses, the Four-sphere Confidence, and the Two Upholds, all Party members and officials should improve themselves against the standards of being loyal, upright and responsible, foster a pioneering spirit, and increase their abilities, so that in terms of thinking, ability and action they can keep abreast of the times, our cause, and the requirements of the Central Committee. (from the preface to the reading materials for the fifth group of trainee officials, written on February 27, 2019)


· political activities within the Party

· intra-Party political activities


译文:Party members and officials must act in accordance with the Regulations for Political Activities Within the Party in the New Era, and have regular political “health checks” through intra-Party activities. We can thereby “sweep off the dust”, keep our souls wholesome, and boost our immune system in the political realm. (from the speech at the sixth group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, June 29, 2018)


1. 我们党有8900多万名党员和450多万个基层党组织,保持和发展马克思主义政党的政治属性不是一件容易的事,不能指望泛泛抓一抓或者集中火力打几个战役就能彻底解决问题。

With more than 89 million members and 4.5 million grassroots organizations, it is not easy for our Party to preserve and develop its nature as a Marxist political party. A broad-brush approach or a few targeted campaigns are not the solution.

2. 人民群众拥护和支持是我们党最可靠的力量源泉。

The support of the people is the unfailing source of our Party’s strength.

3. 各级领导干部特别是高级干部要炼就一双政治慧眼,不畏浮云遮望眼,切实担负起党和人民赋予的政治责任。

Officials, especially those in senior positions, should have good political judgment. We should let no fleeting phenomena cloud our vision, and shoulder the political responsibilities entrusted to us by the Party and the people.



· political environment

· political atmosphere例句1:营造良好政治生态是一项长期任务,必须作为党的政治建设的基础性、经常性工作,浚其源、涵其林,养正气、固根本,锲而不舍、久久为功。(摘自习近平在主持中共十九届中央政治局第六次集体学习时的讲话,2018年6月29日)译文:Fostering a healthy political environment is a long-term task that must be made a basic and regular activity in reinforcing our Party’s political foundations. Like tending the natural environment by clearing up the sources of waterways and cultivating forests, we need to make long, tenacious efforts to foster political integrity and build a strong foundation. (from the speech at the sixth group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, June 29, 2018)例句2:要弘扬社会主义核心价值观,弘扬和践行忠诚老实、公道正派、实事求是、清正廉洁等价值观,以良好政治文化涵养风清气正的政治生态。(摘自习近平在主持中共十九届中央政治局第六次集体学习时的讲话,2018年6月29日)译文:We also should promote the core socialist values, and advocate and practice values such as loyalty, honesty, impartiality, pragmatism, and integrity. By virtue of a healthy political culture, we will maintain a wholesome political atmosphere. (from the speech at the sixth group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, June 29, 2018)


· political direction

· political orientation释义:我们所要坚守的政治方向,就是共产主义远大理想和中国特色社会主义共同理想、“两个一百年”奋斗目标,就是党的基本理论、基本路线、基本方略。(摘自习近平在主持中共十九届中央政治局第六次集体学习时的讲话,2018年6月29日)
译文:The political direction we must follow is the noble ideal of communism, our ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Two Centenary Goals, and the Party’s underlying theories, basic guidelines, and fundamental principles. (from the speech at the sixth group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, June 29, 2018)


political discipline and rules例句:要严格遵守政治纪律和政治规矩,全面执行党内政治生活准则,确保党中央政令畅通,确保局部服从全局,确保各项工作坚持正确政治方向。(摘自习近平在中共十九届一中全会上的讲话,2017年10月25日)
译文:We must abide by political discipline and rules, fully observe the regulations on intra-Party political activities, ensure the implementation of the Central Committee’s policies and decisions, make sure local interests submit to overall interests, and guarantee the right political orientation in all our work. (from the speech at the First Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, October 25, 2017)


political acuity and discernment例句:要教育引导各级领导干部增强政治敏锐性和政治鉴别力,对容易诱发政治问题特别是重大突发事件的敏感因素、苗头性倾向性问题,做到眼睛亮、见事早、行动快,及时消除各种政治隐患。(摘自习近平在主持中共十九届中央政治局第六次集体学习时的讲话,2018年6月29日)
译文:We need to train and guide officials to enhance their political acuity and discernment, have a keen eye for sensitive matters and tendencies that may trigger off political issues – especially serious emergencies – whenever they emerge, and take preemptive and swift action to remove all potential political dangers. (from the speech at the sixth group study session of the Political Bureau of the 19th CPC Central Committee, June 29, 2018)


· to take a clear-cut political stance

· to take a clear political stance


译文:The Central Committee requires that officials at all levels, high-ranking ones in particular, take a clear-cut political stance and stay loyal to the Party. This means they must conscientiously consider and plan their work in accordance with the Central Committee’s overall plans, respond promptly to its calls, fully implement its decisions, and put a stop to anything it prohibits. The implementation of the Central Committee’s decisions and plans should be unconditional. There should be no unauthorized alterations or any attempt to “negotiate the terms”. (from the speech at the Second Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, January 11, 2018)


1. 要增强斗争精神,敢于亮剑、敢于斗争,坚决防止和克服嗅不出敌情、分不清是非、辨不明方向的政治麻痹症。

We need to build up our fighting spirit, take an unequivocal stance, and resolutely prevent and overcome political lethargy, which will render us unable to detect hostile moves, distinguish right from wrong, or see the correct direction.


Be alert to danger in times of peace, and be wary of unrest in times of stability.

语境:“于安思危,于治忧乱。”我们党在内忧外患中诞生,在磨难挫折中成长,在战胜风险挑战中壮大,始终有着强烈的忧患意识、风险意识。译文:“Be alert to danger in times of peace, and be wary of unrest in times of stability.” Our Party was born amid domestic turmoil and foreign aggression, grew up through hardships and setbacks, and has become stronger in the course of overcoming risks and challenges. It therefore has an acute sense of dangers and risks.





